I am so glad that your class is using the smart board and you can share in my adventures.
I am still waking up really early because California is three hours behind the South Carolina time zone. When it is 9:00 here, it is 12:00 there. So that means when you are going to bed, I am probably eating supper.
Don't order tea if you ever come to California! They don't know what sweet tea is out here. They also don't have ANY Lizard's Thicket restaurants! Can you believe that! They don't know what hash and rice is and they don't have bar-b-que like we are used to in Lexington. I have been eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
The boys here have "faux hawk" hair cuts and so Mrs. Juli took me to her beauty parlor lady and was going to let me get a new look for California.
She made me this awesome apron so my clothes didn't get messed up.
This was me waiting for my turn:
So, here is where it gets weird Hannah. Mrs. Michelle wanted to put extensions in my hair and she thought I would look cute as a redhead:
I had fun but trust me, going to the beauty parlor out here is nothing like it is in South Carolina!
Mrs. Michelle is going to put me on her website because she enjoyed meeting me so much. She also couldn't believe my nice manners and I always said "thank you" and "please" and "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am". Your mommy will be proud of me!
Mrs. Juli is going to take me to see the cows this weekend - they say that California cows are happy cows. I'll let you know!
I miss you and can't wait to hear from you.
Flat Stanley
Wow Stanley you sure do have some great adventures. I really like the red hair but I think it would be too much for Mommy and Daddy. Coming back with Mrs. Jane in October is fine but I may need to send you back for another adventure before the end of school!! We will have to get you some sweet tea when you get home. I can not believe all the adventures you will be going on with Mrs. Juli and Mrs. Jane. Mrs. Juli is going to miss you when you come home. I can't wait to hear about your adventures! Tell Mrs. Juli hello for me!!
Love, Hannah
I think I am coming to California with Mrs. Jane. Your adventures sound much more fun than mine. Do you think my principal would give me time off to come pick you up?
I do think the red hair was a little much for you. I am not sure you would be able to hold your head up!! I am very happy to hear that you are using your manners.
Tell Mrs. Juli I owe her dinner with sweet tea when she comes to SC to visit!!! Give her a hug from me.
Zac and Garrett said to tell you hello. Zac has already said that he wants his Flat Stanley to visit Mrs. Juli when he is in 4th grade.
Love, Mommy
Dear Hannah's Mom,
I think you have a neat Principal/Boss. One time she let me take my mother to California to visit Juli for a couple of days. It should be OK as long as you and Flat Stanley DO NOT go skydiving! Don't let Juli do any weird California stuff and it should be fine. june
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