I went with Mrs. Juli to the fairgrounds to help her turn in five paintings for the fine arts department competition. We took the camera but there really wasn't much set up yet, there were just a bunch of people standing in line with their fair entries.
Mrs. Juli is taking me back on Saturday and not only will we get to see if she won any awards, but I will also get to ride on some of the rides and eat corn dogs and cotton candy! It will be my first fair so I am very excited.
Here are Mrs. Juli's paintings before we put them in the car:
When Mrs. Juli was in the second grade and third grade, she took oil painting lessons and had many paintings that all of her family framed and even though they were very proud of her as a little girl, Mrs. Juli stopped painting. Aunt June talked Mrs. Juli into painting again last year and she has probably finished twenty paintings in that time.
I think Mrs. Juli is very talented but just like everyone, she feels a little self-conscious and insecure so when she puts her paintings in the fair to be judged, she is afraid of failure.
I told Mrs. Juli that it doesn't matter if she wins ribbons, she has won in my eyes and it doesn't matter who the judges pick as the winners. I really hope that she sees some ribbons on her paintings when we go back on Saturday but if she doesn't, I'll let her know that I am proud of her no matter what. I think it is neat that she let the world see her paintings.
We are going to Carmel tomorrow with some of her friends so I hope to have some good pictures to show you! Mrs. Juli says that Carmel is beautiful. I can't wait to see the Pacific Ocean!
I hope you are having a good week.
Flat Stanley