
What I've Learned About Earthquakes

Hey Hannah, Zac, Garrett, Mommy, Daddy and Everyone!

I am really learning so much with Mrs. Juli and she let me know that I need to start writing down what I have learned more because I will be leaving in a few weeks and may not remember everything.

The biggest thing for me is living with earthquakes and becoming accustomed to it. Last week, we felt a pretty good earthquake for about 20 seconds and although I got a little scared, it was also kind of cool.

We have what is called an "earthquake survival kit" just in case there is a big earthquake and that kit has water and snacks and batteries and Mrs. Juli even has a little battery powered television.

Years ago, Mrs. Juli was in a very strong earthquake that occurred at 4:30 in the morning and everyone was sleeping and it was dark outside and so many things broke because it was so strong. Mrs. Juli was trying to get out of her house and there was glass everywhere so she learned to always have slippers under her bed just in case there is another big earthquake during the night. She also makes sure that she has on cute pajamas!

Mrs. Juli has slippers under all of the beds and tells everyone who visits that the strongest place in a house is the door jam, so that means that if I feel a big earthquake, I need to make it to a doorway and wait for the rocking motion to stop.

The San Andreas Fault is the most active fault in America. Do you remember going to Charleston and seeing the earthquake bolts on the old buildings? Even South Carolina has earthquakes but they generally aren't common like they are in California.

Here is a map of the San Andreas Fault on a North American map:

Here is a map more up close and you can even see where I am in Hollister if you look close enough:

I actually was ON the fault!:

California is very beautiful and most people attribute the millions of years of earthquakes to the beauty.

When Mrs. Jane comes here, I will be going to a place called "The Pinnacles National Monument" and I will get to see an even more beautiful place on the San Andreas Fault that is also an old volcano!

I am not scared of earthquakes but I am prepared in case there is a very big one. At least with hurricanes, we can see they are coming ahead of time but they still don't have the earthquake prediction perfected.

They say that every day in Hollister there are several very small earthquakes. This is called a "shifting zone" on the San Andreas Fault so it is very active. We don't feel most of the shifting so it is okay.

I'm not scared and I have enjoyed learning about the earthquakes. I am enjoying my California adventure!


Flat Stanley

(P.S. Hannah, Mrs. Juli even got tears in her eyes when she heard of your parent's letter, we are so proud of you! Zac, Garrett, Mommy and Daddy, I miss you and love you!)

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